Activities better known as the activities or activity. So everything that is done or activities that occur both physical and non physical,is an activity. Activity is any activity carried out either physically or spiritually. Learning activities in schools is at the core of the educational process at school (Abdul-Hadith, 2008: 59).
Learning is a change in behavior that is relatively stable thanks to the training and experience. Aspects of these behaviors are:knowledge, understanding, habits, skills, appreciation of the emotional, social relationships, physical, ethical or moral character and attitude (Oemar Hamalik, 2001:154).
Learning is a process of interaction between humans and the environment that may be tangible personal, facts, concepts ortheories. It can be concluded from the above description that thelearning activity is any activity carried out in the process of interaction (teacher and students) in order to achieve learning objectives. Activity that is intended here because the emphasis is on student activity in the presence of students in the learning process creates a situation of active learning, active learning is a teaching system that emphasizes active student physically,mentally, intellectually and emotionally in order to obtain the results of studying a combination of cognitive aspects , affective and psikomotor.
Activeness of students during the learning process is one indicator of the desire or motivation of students to learn.Students are said to have behavioral traits such as: frequently asked the teacher or other students, want to working on the assignment of teachers, able to answer questions, happy to be given the task of learning and so on.
The essential thing required is a liveliness in the learning process of students. Active students in the learning process willlead to a high interaction between teachers and students or bystudents themselves. This will result in a fresh atmosphere andconducive classroom, where each student can involve the abilityas much as possible. Activity arising from students will also result in the formation of knowledge and skills that will lead to improved achievement.