
Towards Education for All and All for Education

Education is one effort to improve the quality of human resources. Each state constitutions guarantee the right of every Indonesian citizen to get instruction. Such a formulation seems to be the belief of the founders of the State (the founding fathers) that through pendidikanlah nation of Indonesia will be an intelligent nation. Intelligent nation is believed will produce a nation that can compete with other nations.

Indonesia is one of the countries that signed the declaration of "Education for All". In connection with this declaration and also as an expression of seriousness mensukseskannya Indonesia, then Indonesia has launched a six year compulsory education in 1984 and 10 the next, namely in 1994, Indonesia launched a 9-Year Compulsory Education. Through the Compulsory Education 6 Year-olds are expected Elementary School (7-12 years) can enjoy educational services Elementary School. That is, elementary school age children can complete primary education. Similarly, through the launching of 9-Year Compulsory Education is expected to kids middle school age (13-15 years) can complete secondary schooling.

A variety of programs directed to support the successful implementation of the Compulsory Education 6 years and 9 years have been implemented in a planned and gradual. In this regard, one thing of concern in many countries is about children who for one reason or another had not be able to complete primary school education so that they become citizens illiterate. Likewise, children who had not completed secondary school education, then they will tend to get into the group of unskilled workers.

The essence of the "Education for All and All for Education" is to strive so that every citizen can fulfill their rights, namely at least to get a basic education services (9-Year Compulsory Education). To be able to achieve "Education for All and All for Education", all components of the nation, government, private, social institutions, as well as citizens individually, jointly or individually, is committed to actively participate in the success " Education for All and All for Education "in accordance with the potentials and capacities of each.
As the smallest unit of social organization, a parent from each family was intrigued and called to at least guide and membelajarkan children, either through formal schooling, non-formal educational institutions, and through informal educational institutions. Sending a child to learn through the school of education institutions is clear that starting from kindergarten to higher education.
If for some reason, a child is not allowed to attend school education, so parents can send their children to participate in learning activities in non-formal education, such as Package A equivalent to primary school, secondary school equivalent of Package B and Package C equivalent of the School upper secondary. If a child is not allowed also take part in education through formal and non-formal, then there is an alternative education model that can be taken, namely "School at Home" (Home Schooling). In this regard, parents can identify social institutions or units of educational initiatives that community members menyelengggarakan "Schools at Home" and then send their children to get education in educational institutions or units. Or, the parents themselves with the educational background and knowledge, can guide and membelajarkan her children so that eventually the child can take the test equation.

In units of the institution, either wholly adopt the education or not, should have the same commitment is to membelajarkan children of parents who work at each institution. Form of commitment from the institution should not be in the form of education but it can be in the form of scholarships. For industrial or corporate institution, form of commitment can be in the form of scholarships or serve as foster parents, at least for children whose parents work in the industry or company.
If all components of the nation moving in unison like an orchestra, each component of the nation to provide the best available to him for pencerdasan life of the nation, then it'll no doubt that the orchestra will produce / deliver the best songs (the best). Analogues in the field of education, that through the movement of people, either jointly or individually implement the "Education for All and All for Education", then the compulsory 6 years and 9 years will be more quickly achieved.
Along with the planned budget allocation for education sector in the state budget revenues and expenditures in 2009 by 20%, of course, expected to further accelerate the completion of the Compulsory Years 6 and 9 and opens the possibility to prepare the launching of 12-year Compulsory Education. By making education a community movement and supported by advances in information technology and communication and a commitment to achieve "Education for All and All for Education", then in the next few years is expected outcomes or impacts in the form kompetetif advantages will be felt nationally and also appreciated the regional / international

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The education process involves many things:

1. Subjects who guided (learners).
2. The man who guided (educator)
3. The interaction between learners with educators (instructive interaction)
4. The direction in which the guidance is intended (educational purposes)
5. Influence exerted in the guidance (educational materials)
6. Method used in guidance (tools and methods)
7. The place where the incident took place guidance (environmental education)

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a. The purpose of education The purpose of education includes an overview of the values ​​of good, noble, worthy, true, and beautiful for life. Education has two functions: providing direction to all educational activities dazn is something to be achieved by all educational activities.
b. Educational process
The education process is the mobility of all components of the educational activities by educators directed to the achievement of the goals of education, quality of educational processes implicated in two aspects, namely the quality of components and quality management, management education process involves the scope of the macro, meso, micro. The main purpose of educational process is the process of learning and optimal learning experience.

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a. Education as a process of cultural transformation
As the process of cultural transformation, education is defined as the activities of cultural inheritance from one generation to another. Cultural values ​​are undergoing a process of transformation from older generations to younger generations. There are three forms of transformation of values ​​that are passed fit for example the value of honesty, responsibility, and others.

b. Establishment of Private Education as a Process
As the process of personal formation, education is defined as a an activity that is systematic and systemic directed to the formation of personality of students. The process of personal formation through the second target is a private establishment for those who have not grown by those who have grown up and for those who've grown up my own business.

c. Citizen Education as Preparation Process
Education as preparation of a citizen is defined as an activity that is planned to equip students to become good citizens.

d. Education as Workforce Preparation
Education as penyimpana labor is defined as activities that guide the learners have the basic supplies weeks to work. Debriefing the basis of the formation of attitudes, knowledge, and work skills to potential outcomes. It became an important mission of education because of work into staples of human life.

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The main requirement of learning

Learning through play, that is by using the strategies, methods, materials, or materials and media of interest to be easily followed by children, through play, children are invited to explore and to utilize objects around it.
How to learn creative and inovatis that can be done through activities that draw so arouse the curiosity of children, motivating children to think critically, and discover other things.
A conducive environment should be created in such interesting and fun with attention to safety and comfort of the child in play.
Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, as well as the necessary skills themselves and society. Education includes teaching special skills, and also something that can not be seen but the more profound the gift of knowledge, consideration and wisdom. One of the main basic education is to teach culture through the generations.

Activities better known as the activities or activity. So everything that is done or activities that occur both physical and non physical, is an activity. Activity is any activity carried out either physically or spiritually. Learning activities in schools is at the core of the educational process at school

is a change in behavior that is relatively stable thanks to the training and experience. Aspects of these behaviors are: knowledge, understanding, habits, skills, appreciation of the emotional, social relationships, physical, ethical or moral character and attitude

Learning is a process of interaction between humans and the environment that may be tangible personal, facts, concepts or theories. It can be concluded from the above description that the learning activity is any activity carried out in the process of interaction (teacher and students) in order to achieve learning objectives. Activity that is intended here because the emphasis is on student activity in the presence of students in the learning process creates a situation of active learning, active learning is a teaching system that emphasizes active student physically, mentally, intellectually and emotionally in order to obtain the results of studying a combination of cognitive aspects , affective and psychomotor.

of students during the learning process is one indicator of the desire or motivation of students to learn. Students are said to have behavioral traits such as: frequently asked the teacher or other students, want to working on the assignment of teachers, able to answer questions, happy to be given the task of learning and so on.

The essential thing required is a liveliness in the learning process of students. Active students in the learning process will lead to a high interaction between teachers and students or by students themselves. This will result in a fresh atmosphere and conducive classroom, where each student can involve the ability as much as possible. Activity arising from students will also result in the formation of knowledge and skills that will lead to improved achievement.