Education is believed to be one of the nation-building aspects that are essential for achieving a reliable citizen professional and highly competitive. Education is also viewed as an important investment in the development of values ​​and economic growth in the life of a nation state and nation. In addition, education is also believed to be the most effective way in the process of nation and character building, which greatly determine the course and the regeneration of a nation.
Development education is an important part of an overall effort and earnest to enhance the dignity of the nation. Success in building a great education will contribute to the achievement of development objectives of a nation. Based on this, the development of education covers a wide range of dimensions and organized as a systematic unity with open systems and multimakna.
Education in fact a person's lifelong learning experience. As stated in UNESCO's official statement on education for all (education for all, or EFA) in 1990. This statement implies that every person in the world is entitled to get an education. Education can be done by anyone, anywhere, anytime. This means that education can be done without knowing the age limit, space and time. Every citizen has the right to get education and the government obliged to provide educational facilities and infrastructure that support the continuity of the educational process.

Under international agreement confirms that basic education shall be held by the government with no charge and compulsory. This is based on the fact that there is a correlation between education and poverty. Therefore it becomes the obligation of governments to menyeleng-organized education that is free of cost and quality. Although it was realized that no or not all countries can meet treaty. Included in this country, the Government has not been able to free up the cost for basic education. In fact, education is a basic human right for every citizen throughout the world.
Along with the above statement, in 2000 in Dakar, representing the education community of the world community calls upon all governments around the world to pay more attention to education for all citizens. The call was known as the Dakar Framework for Action (The Dakar Framework for Action) contains an assertion, that education is the most fundamental rights of every human being, and gives emphasis on the importance of rights-based governmental action to achieve the goals of Education For All (Education for All). This is supported also by UNESCO which actively support the view that rights-based approach in development education is a prerequisite for realizing Education for All (EFA).

The successful achievement of the government's performance in the field of education can not be separated from government efforts to reduce barriers faced by prospective students from poor families and disadvantaged, ie obstacles in financing education and schooling. Efforts are made to subsidize the School Operational Cost (SOC) which started in 2005. Through the SOC is expected to release most of the school fees that have been borne by siswa.SOC developed in line with the government's ability to hold an increasingly large in order to realize free basic education.
Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, as well as the necessary skills themselves and society. Education includes teaching special skills, and also something that can not be seen but the more profound the gift of knowledge, consideration and wisdom. One of the main basic education is to teach culture through the generations.

Activities better known as the activities or activity. So everything that is done or activities that occur both physical and non physical, is an activity. Activity is any activity carried out either physically or spiritually. Learning activities in schools is at the core of the educational process at school

is a change in behavior that is relatively stable thanks to the training and experience. Aspects of these behaviors are: knowledge, understanding, habits, skills, appreciation of the emotional, social relationships, physical, ethical or moral character and attitude

Learning is a process of interaction between humans and the environment that may be tangible personal, facts, concepts or theories. It can be concluded from the above description that the learning activity is any activity carried out in the process of interaction (teacher and students) in order to achieve learning objectives. Activity that is intended here because the emphasis is on student activity in the presence of students in the learning process creates a situation of active learning, active learning is a teaching system that emphasizes active student physically, mentally, intellectually and emotionally in order to obtain the results of studying a combination of cognitive aspects , affective and psychomotor.

of students during the learning process is one indicator of the desire or motivation of students to learn. Students are said to have behavioral traits such as: frequently asked the teacher or other students, want to working on the assignment of teachers, able to answer questions, happy to be given the task of learning and so on.

The essential thing required is a liveliness in the learning process of students. Active students in the learning process will lead to a high interaction between teachers and students or by students themselves. This will result in a fresh atmosphere and conducive classroom, where each student can involve the ability as much as possible. Activity arising from students will also result in the formation of knowledge and skills that will lead to improved achievement.