In principle, the learning is done, change the behavior. So there is no learning if there is no activity. Activity is the principle or principles are very important in the interaction of teaching and learning. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary of activity is the activity, busyness. Learning is a process characterized bychanges in a person (Sudjana, 2008: 28). So the learning activityis an activity that is processed by marked by a change in a person.
Children have the manpower to develop their own. Educators willserve as mentors and observe how the development of children'sprotege. This statement that the more activity in the formation ofthe child is a child himself, while educators provide guidance andplanning of all activities to be done by the students.

Provide an explanation that all knowledge must be earned withhis own observations, experiences himself, his own investigation, with the work itself, with facilities that self-created,with the work itself, with self-created facilities both spiritual andtechnical.
Schools should be places of work. In the process of learning the teacher needs to lead the learning activities of students in thinking and doing. In thinking students will not only take it for granted but will difikirkan in advance so that students will ask,propose, lead discussions with teachers. The students will do the job, create a graph diagram.

That a child's thinking as long as he did. Without a means childrendo not think. Therefore the child to think self then it should be given the opportunity to do themselves. Thinking on the verbal level ofthe new will arise after the child's thinking at the level of action. Soa child learning to say when he activates all the senses both physical and spiritual, that enable the mind and physique.

We need to know some kinds of activities students are classified into 8 groups as revealed by Diedrich in Spiritual (2004: 9) as follows: 

a). Visual Activities: reading attention to the teacher's explanations, drawing attention to demonstrations, experiments and the work of others.
b). Verbal activity: expressed opinions, formulate, asked the teachers, giving advice, issuing opinions, discussion, interaction.
c). Listening activities: listening to the teacher's explanations, conversations, discussions, music, speeches.
d). Writing activity: record the teacher's explanations, the completeness of records, and clarity of writing.
e). Drawing: draw, create graphs, charts, diagrams maps and patterns.
f). Motor activity: experimenting, choose the tool, execute the exhibition, model making, organizing games, dancing and gardening. 
g). Mental activity: reflect, remember, solve problems, analyzethe factors to see relationships and make decisions.
h). Activities emotional: interest in differentiating, courageous,calm and others.

In the process of student learning mengaktifan variety of sensesto be able to absorb and achieve maximum learning outcomes.This student learning activity will affect the learning results he obtained. The higher the expected level of activity the greater theresults obtained. Actually there are a variety of activities studentsdo when learning activities take place, but can be grouped recallmany similar activities.

Active students can be seen in terms of participating in carrying out learning tasks, engage in problem solving, ask other students or the teacher if it does not understand the problems it faces, in addition, students marked kaktifan also with trying to find a variety of information needed for problem solving, carry out thediscussion group in accordance with guidance, to assess her abilities and the results are similar, the opportunity to use or apply what has been gained in completing a task or problem at hand.

So can we take the conclusion that all matters relating to studentsin doing something in order to achieve the goal of learning can we call active student learning.
Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, as well as the necessary skills themselves and society. Education includes teaching special skills, and also something that can not be seen but the more profound the gift of knowledge, consideration and wisdom. One of the main basic education is to teach culture through the generations.

Activities better known as the activities or activity. So everything that is done or activities that occur both physical and non physical, is an activity. Activity is any activity carried out either physically or spiritually. Learning activities in schools is at the core of the educational process at school

is a change in behavior that is relatively stable thanks to the training and experience. Aspects of these behaviors are: knowledge, understanding, habits, skills, appreciation of the emotional, social relationships, physical, ethical or moral character and attitude

Learning is a process of interaction between humans and the environment that may be tangible personal, facts, concepts or theories. It can be concluded from the above description that the learning activity is any activity carried out in the process of interaction (teacher and students) in order to achieve learning objectives. Activity that is intended here because the emphasis is on student activity in the presence of students in the learning process creates a situation of active learning, active learning is a teaching system that emphasizes active student physically, mentally, intellectually and emotionally in order to obtain the results of studying a combination of cognitive aspects , affective and psychomotor.

of students during the learning process is one indicator of the desire or motivation of students to learn. Students are said to have behavioral traits such as: frequently asked the teacher or other students, want to working on the assignment of teachers, able to answer questions, happy to be given the task of learning and so on.

The essential thing required is a liveliness in the learning process of students. Active students in the learning process will lead to a high interaction between teachers and students or by students themselves. This will result in a fresh atmosphere and conducive classroom, where each student can involve the ability as much as possible. Activity arising from students will also result in the formation of knowledge and skills that will lead to improved achievement.